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TIM WENDELBOE - Los Pirineos Pacamara - El Salvador - Honey - Pacamara

TIM WENDELBOE - Los Pirineos Pacamara - El Salvador - Honey - Pacamara

Regular price $32.50 CAD
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Tasting Notes: Winey, Stone Fruits, Cacao Nibs
Origin: Tecapa-Chinameca, Usulutan, El Salvador
Producer: Diego Baraona
Process:  Honey
Varieties: Pacamara
Harvest: February 2024
Roast Profile: Light Roast
Roast Date: February 19, 2025

Tim Wendelboe Coffee Roasters is located in Oslo, Norway

From Tim Wendelboe

A complex and intense Pacamara coffee with a fruity character and a sweet chocolaty finish.

This is a sweet and distinctly fruity Pacamara from Los Pirineos. Because it was honey processed (which means the parchment coffee was dried with mucilage on,) you can clearly taste some subtle fermented flavours that reminds me of strawberries and ripe stone fruits.  These flavours are created when  the mucilage slighgtly ferments while the coffee is drying on raised beds under shade nets.

I often find honey processed coffees to be rough in texture and finish, but this lot was so sweet and smooth with just subtle fermenty notes that I could not resist buying it while I was visiting in March this year. Making such clean honey processed coffees is probably a result of the skillful drying process they have implemented at Los Pirineos. They turn and mix the coffees constantly throughout the day during drying to ensure even drying and to prevent the coffees from being affected by uncontrolled fermentation.  

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