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OMA - Tierra Blanca Lot Cordillera 61 (2024 BoP GW-05 same region and processing) - Panama - Washed - Geisha

OMA - Tierra Blanca Lot Cordillera 61 (2024 BoP GW-05 same region and processing) - Panama - Washed - Geisha

Regular price $34.00 CAD
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Tasting Notes: Jasmine, Bergamot, Lychee, Earl Grey, Delicate and Lingering
Region: Paso Ancho, Volcán
Farm: Tierra Blanca Geisha Coffee
Producer: Kyle Snider
Harvest: 2024
Process: Washed
Varietal: Geisha
Altitude: 1800-2200 masl
Roasted by: Loring S7
Roasted for: Filter
Roast Date: August 20, 2024

OMA Coffee Roaster is located in Hong Kong, China

From OMA

About the farm

In 2017, Kyle Snider, who at the time knew nothing about Panama and very little about premium coffee, decided to invest in a small Panamanian coffee farm. Kyle approached his long-time friend and business partner Larry Kolek, and they each hastily packed a bag. Mere days after the plane touched down in Panama, they bought a plot of land and leapt into the coffee business.

They started by educating themselves in land improvement and coffee farming and were fortunate enough to meet experts who were extremely generous with their knowledge. They then hired a full-time plantation manager and supporting staff. As time went on more opportunities presented themselves, and in 2018 they acquired two more plots. By then word had begun to spread; investors wanted to participate, so a sister corporation was established.

They have made unimaginable progress over the last seven years, culminating in over 300 acres of Geisha coffee on six farms in western Panama. From ideation to fruition, this venture has taken on a life of its own.
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