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ONYX - Gichathaini PB - Kenya - Washed - SL28, SL34

ONYX - Gichathaini PB - Kenya - Washed - SL28, SL34

Regular price $26.25 CAD
Regular price $35.00 CAD Sale price $26.25 CAD
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Tasting Notes: Grapefruit, Raw Sugar, Rose Hip, Apple
Origin: Kenya
Process: Dry Washed & Raised-Bed Dried
Varieties: SL28, SL34
Roast Level: AGTRON #71 Moderate
Roast Date: December 2, 2024

ONYX Coffee Lab is located in Rogers, United State


This PB lot is a screen separation of small and round seeds, lending a juicy profile to the cup. Grown in Nyeri and processed at the legendary Gichathaini station, this coffee hits all the marks of a fantastic washed Kenyan coffee. Expect notes of vibrant citrus, with a juicy mouthfeel throughout.

Driving upcountry to Nyeri is stunning, the driver expertly weaves their way through the traffic of Nairobi. The city can seemingly extend forever, due to the massive amount of layered housing extending from the city center. Once Nairobi fades away, you comfortably cruise the highway north towards Nyeri. On a clear day, Mount Kenya is in full snow capped view to the left, while miles and miles of pineapples pass by your right. Once you reach the base of Mount Kenya national park, well-known names of cooperatives and washing stations start to pop up.

One such station is Gichathaini Coffee Station, also known as Gichathaini Factory, located in Nyeri County. This renowned processing facility is part of the Thirikwa Farmers Cooperative Society, a collective of smallholder farmers who benefit from Nyeri's high altitudes, fertile soils, and microclimate shaped by the proximity of Mount Kenya. The region is blessed with abundant fresh water from nearby rivers, enabling meticulous washing of coffee, a hallmark of Nyeri’s exceptional output. Our partnership with Gichathaini has been ongoing for several years, and we remain committed to supporting their efforts as Kenya’s coffee landscape continues to evolve. This collaboration allows us to offer some of the finest coffees, rich in the vibrant flavors that Nyeri is celebrated for.

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