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FRIEDHATS - Mariel Guevara - Colombia - Washed - Caturra

FRIEDHATS - Mariel Guevara - Colombia - Washed - Caturra

  • Origin: Colombia
  • Tasting Notes: Red Apple, Brown Sugar, White Grape
  • Process: Washed
  • Varieties: Caturra
  • Producer: Mariel Guevara
  • Farm: La Orquidea
  • Region: Samaniego, Nariño
  • Elevation: 1750 masl
  • Recommended Brew: Espresso and Filter
  • Roast Date:
Regular price $29.00 CAD
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Friedhats Coffee Roasters is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands

From Friedhats

Finca La Orquidea is a small three hectare coffee farm run by Mariel Guevara. It’s located at 1750 masl in mountainous terrain of Samaniego in the Nariño region in the southern part of Colombia, close to the Ecuadorian border. It’s about 20 hours of driving from Bogota, without traffic. 

Orquidea means orchid, the flower, and apparently Colombia is home to the largest amount of orchid species in the world. So if you have a date tonight, buy a bunch of orchids, tell this story and you’re golden. Because, orchids stand for togetherness, love and passion. 

Anyway, back to the story: Mariel, together with all of the orchids on her farm, puts a lot of love and passion into the coffee trees on her farm. That’s important because it means she cares for the land, farms in a sustainable way, promotes the wellbeing of the ecosystem around her farm, picks the ripest cherries and makes sure the processing is being done well. 

Ok cool, but what does it taste like?

Well, it’s a washed coffee from Colombia so my guess is it will be clean and sweet. Probably sweeter than usual because the south of Colombia is very close to the equator so the cherries got a lot of heat during the day, followed by some cool high altitude nights. 

The cherries underwent oxidation for 12 hours followed by 24 hours of dry fermentation, then pulped, washed and dried in a solar drying shed for 15 days. 

The end result is flavors of: Red apple, brown sugar and white grape

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