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FRIEDHATS - Elias Roa - Colombia - Washed - Caturra

FRIEDHATS - Elias Roa - Colombia - Washed - Caturra

  • Origin: Colombia
  • Tasting Notes: Lychee, Mulling Spices, Blood Orange
  • Process: Washed
  • Varieties: Caturra
  • Producer: Elias Roa Parra
  • Farm: Finca Tamana
  • Region: Acevedo, Huila
  • Elevation: 1650 masl
  • Recommended Brew: Espresso and Filter
  • Roast Date:
Regular price $31.00 CAD
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Friedhats Coffee Roasters is located in Amsterdam, Netherlands

From Friedhats

In the middle of Huila, where it borders Cauca, between El Pital and La Plata, is a place where the hills are so steep that only a skilled person can roam around without tumbling to one’s death. Where the jungle is so green that Pantone went there to take samples. And where the coffee is so good, that Mr. Tim Wendelboe himself started working with Mr. Elias Roa on his farm Finca Tamana in 2011.

Actually, back then, their coffee wasn’t as good as it is today. I even remember drinking it around that time and being a little underwhelmed having high expectations of Tim Wendelboe’s coffee.

A lot has changed since and Tim deserves some credits for sticking with Elias, who gets the rest of the credits for producing this super tasty coffee. 

Ok cool, but what does it taste like?

We call this coffee a solid 87, which refers to the points rewarded to coffee during a tasting session. The number itself doesn’t mean much but what we mean is that a “solid 87” is a coffee that is sweet, balanced and clean with a pleasant mouthfeel and acidity. A solid 87 is just going to taste good, no matter what. 

With this coffee you do get some bonus flavor notes that reminds us of lychee, mulling spices.

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