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Apollon's Gold

APOLLON'S GOLD - Chevas Geisha Mamacoco | Panama - Lactobacillus Fermentation Natural - Geisha

APOLLON'S GOLD - Chevas Geisha Mamacoco | Panama - Lactobacillus Fermentation Natural - Geisha

  • Origin: Panama
  • Tasting Notes: Mangosteen, Cantaloupe, Pomelo
  • Process: Lactobacillus Fermentation Natural
  • Varieties: Geisha
  • Producer: Jose Luis Chevas
  • Farm: Chevas Estate
  • Region: Boquete, Chiriqui
  • Elevation: 1700 masl
  • Recommended Brew: Espresso and Filter
  • Degassing: We recommend degassing this coffee for at least 35 days, up to 70. Our coffees often peak around 45 days and 60 days post-roast and are best enjoyed from then until the 90 day mark. Our omniroast style leads to abnormally long degassing times, but just trust us, once your coffee is degassed properly, you're in for a treat.
  • Roast Date:
Regular price $76.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $76.00 CAD
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Apollon's Gold is located in Tokyo, Japan


MamaCoco is the sweetest Geisha we've ever had. It is absurdly sweet, almost overpowering but just on the brink where it is still drinkable. It has an incredibly rich mouthfeel and a wonderful tart acidity to go along with its sweetness. This year they only produced 20kg, and we bought all of it.

In the cup, we find notes of mangosteen, cantaloupe, and pomelo.

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